Found 171 items (s) / showing 1 - 15
8Lot 1 Nano Reid RHA (1905-1981)
Fishing Off Clogherhead
7Lot 2 Evie Hone HRHA (1894-1955)
Study for a Stained Glass Window
8Lot 4 William Percy French (1854-1920)
A North Antrim Bog
8Lot 6 Charles Brady HRHA (1926-1997)
The Trumpet
8Lot 7 Arthur K. Maderson (b.1942)
Chill November Evening, St. Laurent le Minier
7Lot 8 Liam O'Neill (b.1954)
The Currach Men
9Lot 9 Sean McSweeney HRHA (1935-2018)
8Lot 10 Cecil Maguire RHA RUA (1930-2020)
Cafe Florian, Piazza San Marco, Venezia (2000)
8Lot 11 Joan Miro (1893-1983) Spanish
Composition from the Portfolio 'Joan Miro Lithographie II' (1975)
8Lot 12 William Scott CBE RA (1913-1989)
White Bowl, Black Pan on Brown (1970)
9Lot 13 Peter Collis RHA (1929-2012)
Still Life with Vase of Flowers
7Lot 14 Donald Teskey (b.1956)
Rathlacken Bay (2016/23)
8Lot 15 Frank Auerbach (b.1931) German-British
To the Studios (1982)