Found 171 items (s) / showing 16 - 30
7Lot 16 Jack Butler Yeats RHA (1871-1957)
In Memory
8Lot 17 Pat Harris (b.1953)
Pear (2005)
8Lot 18 Felim Egan (b.1952)
Blue Falling (2004)
9Lot 19 Sean Scully (b.1945)
Wall Dark Green (2021)
7Lot 20 Genieve Figgis (b.1972)
Untitled (2014)
8Lot 21 William Scott CBE RA (1913-1989)
Still Life Brown Theme I (1968)
8Lot 22 Elizabeth Cope (b.1952)
Cafe Interior
9Lot 23 Tony O'Malley HRHA (1913-2003)
Yellow Fish (1996)
11Lot 24 Jack Butler Yeats RHA (1871-1957)
Old Road, Cahirciveen (1922)
10Lot 25 Norah Allison McGuinness HRHA (1901-1980)
The High Hedge (1970)
8Lot 26 Daniel O'Neill (1920-1974)
9Lot 27 Gerard Dillon RHA RUA (1916-1971)
The Table in the Blue Room
7Lot 28 Hughie O'Donoghue (b.1953)
White Water (2019)
11Lot 29 Sean Scully (b.1945)
Enter Six (1998)
6Lot 30 Camille Souter HRHA (1929-2023)
Caper Spurge from Armagh (1979)