Found 171 items (s) / showing 31 - 45
8Lot 31 Callum Innes
Exposed Painting Paynes Grey and Red Oxide
8Lot 32 Louis Le Brocquy HRHA (1916-2012)
Study of Self (1994)
9Lot 33 Albert Irvin (1922-2015) British
Torriano II (1999)
8Lot 34 Sean Scully (b.1945)
Untitled 9.2.83 (1983)
9Lot 35 Roderic O'Conor RHA (1860-1940)
Nude Seated on a Chaise Longue
8Lot 36 William Crozier HRHA (1930-2011)
The North Road (1988)
8Lot 37 Hughie O'Donoghue (b.1953)
Night Swimming II (2003)
8Lot 38 Colin Middleton RUA RHA (1910-1983)
Early Morning, Mountshannon (1970)
10Lot 39 Charles Harper RHA (b.1943)
Summer Landscape (1998-9)
8Lot 40 Frank Auerbach (b.1931) German-British
Julie (1998)
8Lot 41 Patrick Scott HRHA (1921-2014)
Gold Painting 486
8Lot 42 Sean Scully (b.1945)
Lillian #4 (2010)
11Lot 43 Tony O'Malley HRHA (1913-2003)
Inscape, A Memory (1987)
10Lot 44 Nick Miller (b.1962)
Roses on Table (after McGahern) (1998)
9Lot 45 John Doherty (b.1949)
Garden Gnomes with Claustrophobia (2004/5)